There are so many ways to get involved with our community and make an impact.
become a mentor in Cleveland
If you would like to become a mentor with us, use the link below to get in touch with us. We form Communities of 6-8 volunteers around young adults - this opportunity is called Community Mentor.
“Alone, I am what I am, but in community I have the chance to become everything I can be.”
Youth Referral Form for Agency Staff
Is there training?
Yes. We ask you to attend an Orientation Meeting and if you are still interested in proceeding, we offer six hours of training for our Community Mentors to be scheduled once you are assigned to a Community.
What about faith?
Our work is inspired by the Gospel, and we believe that the Church is uniquely gifted to help young adults. We believe that not everyone must believe as we do to be in our Community. We welcome people from different faith traditions. We have learned the power of diversity in Community. Faith, hope and love are our three core principles, and the greatest of these is love.